Kyle Chandler
  • My grandparents got married at a very young age, and a lot of what I think about marriage is based on their relationship. I watched them over the years and saw how they dealt with everything together, as a team.

  • My grandparents got married at a very young age, and a lot of what I think about marriage is based on their relationship.

  • Oh, man, if in real life I was as cool and suave as Coach Taylor and had all the answers, things would be easier.

  • I grew up in Chicago, so I've always been a Bears fan. Dad used to take me to Bears games and Cubs games. My brother used to ride me over to Lake Forest College on his Honda Supersport and we'd watch the Bears practice. I remember those guys out there as monsters - they were the biggest things I've ever seen!

  • I just can't say enough about the actors having faith and trust in the writers and the writers having faith and trust in the actors.