  • I really had little interest in becoming famous. When I write my book, it will be my guide to avoid becoming a rock star.

  • They used to but not any more. You kind of get used to it - you accept it is part of your job - if you're famous and you want this life, you have got to accept this part of it as well.

  • I love singing - singing is what I'm famous for doing. Now it's turned into things I am famous for doing - like having rows with my mum or about my boyfriend, so it does get irritating.

  • To put it simply - you know, a lot of people believe that the benefit of this job is fame and fortune. I believe that you pay for the fortune through the fame. I don't buy into the notion that being famous is somehow a good thing, or an exciting thing, or a wonderful thing.

  • I didn't get into skating to be famous.