  • It's horrible how money and fame can make you acceptable while, if you're not famous or rich, you're not acceptable.

  • I guess the nicest thing about being, I won't say famous but being popular is a more proper word for me to use would be that if you've got a recognizable name, a lot of times you can get people to do things for you ordinarily that you wouldn't get done.

  • Celebrities say they date other celebrities because they have the same job. But I think they just like dating famous people. Celebrities attract each other, like cattle.

  • Here's the funny thing about the response I've been aware of to my dating famous people: It's been very negative. I'm either not good-looking enough, not a good enough actor or not successful enough for these people.

  • Quentin is very organic there was no way that he was going to put someone else's hand in there and anyway, my hands are kind of famous. It seemed right.