  • I'm not an especially highbrow person, but I have always loved small, quirky, edgy movies.

  • I don't know why, but I've always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies.

  • Oh, I adored Mickey Mouse when I was a child. He was the emblem of happiness and funniness. You went to the movies then, you saw two movies and a short. When Mickey Mouse came on the screen and there was his big head, my sister said she had to hold onto me. I went berserk.

  • Going to the movies was a big event in my youth. My father would be the initiator - he'd have me put on a jacket to see a film.

  • You can't work in the movies. Movies are all about lighting. Very few filmmakers will concentrate on the story. You get very little rehearsal time, so anything you do onscreen is a kind of speed painting.