  • That said, ID does not qualify as science because it gives us nothing to test or measure. Science requires replicable tests involving measurable variables.

  • Architecture is a science arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts.

  • Perhaps, to the uninformed, it may appear unaccountable that a man should be able to retain in his memory such a variety of learning but the close alliance with each other, of the different branches of science, will explain the difficulty.

  • Harmony is an obscure and difficult musical science, but most difficult to those who are not acquainted with the Greek language because it is necessary to use many Greek words to which there are none corresponding in Latin.

  • I have to do more close research and fact checking for the science fiction. This is not however to say that writing good fantasy does not involve doing good research.