  • I think luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity and the ability to take advantage of it... The man who can smile at his breaks and grab his chances gets on.

  • Being in a rock band is about touring. It's about writing songs and it's about making records but it's also about taking a wonderful smile onto that stage and making the people feel good about themselves.

  • You take away all the other luxuries in life, and if you can make someone smile and laugh, you have given the most special gift: happiness.

  • Don't write anything you can phone. Don't phone anything you can talk. Don't talk anything you can whisper. Don't whisper anything you can smile. Don't smile anything you can nod. Don't nod anything you can wink.

  • Humour is the weapon of unarmed people: it helps people who are oppressed to smile at the situation that pains them.