  • I don't know that I have any role models now that are fixed. Definitely my mom - she's the coolest. She's worked really hard her whole life and I just think she's got a great attitude. Moms just know so much it's so silly.

  • My mom's one of 13 siblings, and they all got six kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton.

  • I love playing moms. It's a lot easier than being a mom, I hear.

  • When I was 12 I cried to my mom, because I never got my letter to Hogwarts.

  • My mother smokes me out. We'll get these long periods of me thinking I'm too busy to call her up or e-mail her, and she'll send me something. My mom's a real whiner. I love her to death, but she always sends me these 'woe is me' things. I think she might be Jewish. I'm not sure. She's Baptist-Jewish, which is a double whammy.