Queen Elizabeth II
  • In remembering the appalling suffering of war on both sides, we recognise how precious is the peace we have built in Europe since 1945.

  • I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss, and gratitude for her all-too-short life. It is a chance to show to the whole world the British nation united in grief and respect.

  • First, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad, she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh, nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her - for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her devotion to her two boys.

  • I have behind me not only the splendid traditions and the annals of more than a thousand years but the living strength and majesty of the Commonwealth and Empire of societies old and new of lands and races different in history and origins but all, by God's Will, united in spirit and in aim.

  • My husband has quite simply been my strength and stay all these years, and I owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim.