Mitt Romney
  • It's opportunity. It's opportunity, not a check from government - it's opportunity that has always driven America and defined us as Americans.

  • The answer for healthcare is market incentives, not healthcare by a Godzilla-sized government bureaucracy.

  • I would cap the amount of federal government can spend at 20 percent of the economy. Bring it back to 20 percent or lower. And say, we are not going to spend above that level. Democrats, they want to raise your taxes and spend more and more and turn us into an economy which is no longer driven by the private sector.

  • Our nation is too different, too diverse to say that what works in Massachusetts is somehow going to be grabbed by the federal government, usurping the power of states and imposing a one-size-fits-all plan on the nation. That will not work.

  • This President takes his inspiration from the capitals of Europe we look to the cities and small towns of America. This President puts his faith in government. We put our faith in the American people.