  • Although I do not have a family, I have eyes, ears and imagination, and know, as most people know, that the importance of one's children is paramount.

  • To put down an ideogram of a table so that people will recognize it as a table is not the work of a painter, but to sense it for a moment as a magic carpet with a leg hanging down at each corner is the beginning of a painter's imagination.

  • Obviously the facts are never just coming at you but are incorporated by an imagination that is formed by your previous experience. Memories of the past are not memories of facts but memories of your imaginings of the facts.

  • Suffering, it turns out, demands profound imagination. A new future has to be conjured up because the old future isn't there anymore.

  • Writing gives me the opportunity to explore ideas, play with language, solve problems, use my imagination, and draw on my own childhood.