  • I exercise every morning. I do light weights - 5lb and 10lb arm exercises - and then lie and lift my arms and legs. It's all about keeping core strength. I do a lot of stretching too.

  • I went to a military school between the ages of six and 12 and later into the air force. You learn discipline and strength of character.

  • You have to get along with people, but you also have to recognize that the strength of a team is different people with different perspectives and different personalities.

  • Then when I went to Iraq and saw the strength and character the men and women in our military service exhibit every day and their belief in what they're doing, I knew I wanted to get that on film and share it with everyone. They are my inspiration.

  • My faith isn't very churchy, it's a pretty personal, intimate thing and has been a huge source of strength in moments of life and death.