  • I don't blame the players today for the money. I blame the owners. They started it. They wanna give it to 'em? More power to 'em.

  • You always do what you want to do. This is true with every act. You may say that you had to do something, or that you were forced to, but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice. Only you have the power to choose for yourself.

  • You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.

  • Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the highest peak, empty of all thoughts. Always keep your body filled with light and heat. Fill yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment.

  • One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train.