  • I just want real reactions. I want people to laugh from the gut, be sad from the gut - or get angry from the gut.

  • Our family has gone through a very difficult time. My husband and I have taken the brunt of it. I've never known what it truly felt like to be so sad and desperate inside.

  • I am co-writing a screenplay now and I'm working on the rights to another story I want to do. So I plan to produce and direct. So, for me, I don't really feel that I am vulnerable to that sad baggage that comes with the business of filmmaking.

  • Was there ever such stuff as great as part of Shakespeare? Only one must not say so! But what think you? - What? - Is there not sad stuff? What? - What?

  • To be a character who feels a deep emotion, one must go into the memory's vault and mix in a sad memory from one's own life.